Monday, March 11, 2019

Student-Athlete Spotlight: Jada Brown

Photo: Courtesy
(The Head Cheerleader in Charge)”


This year University High School’s cheer squad has a new cheerleading captain running this house! Allow me to introduce to some, and reintroduce to others, senior Jada Brown. Last year the Lady Phoenix Cheer squad it was run by a dynamic duo, but this year it is only one captain, Jada. This title has been a long time coming.

Jada’s been cheerleading since her childhood. Put her in the front or the back, and it is guaranteed she’ll leave her mark on the audience. Off the floor, she’s a sweetheart, but on the floor don’t cross her path. She is definitely not the one you would want to challenge in a cheer battle. Acrobatics, attitude, and accuracy are all things she specializes in. It is definitely no surprise that she is the boss this year. But don’t take it from me, just go to Instagram and watch her in action.
I, like many others, have watched Jada on social media. I’ve seen many of your accomplishments doing cheer, I know that your overall schedule is just hectic. On top of that, your a good student, one who has AP classes on her schedule, definitely a student upperclassman one should look up to. Describe your schedule during the cheer season.  

When it comes to cheerleading, I am busy all year round. I do football, basketball and all-star season.

Wow, do you ever get any time off? It’s never a break or day off. I practice 7 days a week.

Last year you and class of 2018 alumna Emanni Jenkins had a joint captainship. Together, you guys were an acrobatic force and your performance for the past couple years was phenomenal. You were good, so how did you feel when you found out you were going to be cheer captain for the 2018-19 cheer season?

When I found out I was going to be captain for the 2018-19 cheer season, I was sooo excited but it was no surprise because I was next up for the full position.

There has been debate about whether cheerleading should be considered a sport. There are a lot of people who say it isn’t because for reasons of it being non-contact, or non-competitive. Would you like to argue that and set the record straight? Cheerleading is definitely a sport. We throw, toss, and catch human beings. We do acrobatic flips AND have the flexibility to jump. Of course, people who never cheered a day in their life would say it’s not a sport. If they could spend one day with me, they wouldn’t last.

You should definitely be considered an asset to the team if you already haven’t. You have definitely proved your worth, experience, sportsmanship, and more. But it is all about having self-confidence in yourself and knowing yourself. So in your opinion, what do you believe makes you a star cheerleader?

To be a star cheerleader, you have to be confident; have dedication, sass, and a hunger to be the best. Having all of these qualities will make you an amazing cheerleader no matter if you don’t have the skills to do what others might. Being a star cheerleader starts with the right attitude.

A lot of students only limit their activities to their high school years, but never think about their years after. Is cheerleading and tumbling something that you see yourself doing after high school? Cheerleading and tumbling is definitely something I see in my future. I plan to further my cheer career in college. I will never give up on the thing that made me the outgoing person I am today.

Every success story has traces of downfalls. Tell the struggles and hardships of being a cheerleader.

Personally, my struggles and hardships with cheerleading have come from my injuries. Being scared that I might not get better or having to stop cheering forever. But, I overcame those obstacles by pushing myself to be greater than what I was before.

With cheer season coming up, and you being a captain, I know you are going to be setting some high standards for the upcoming prospects when it's time for tryouts.

What does the “ideal” cheerleader look like for you? What can we look forward to from the Lady Phoenix this year? What do you want to see happen from this cheer season? The “ideal” cheerleader to me will be outgoing, even if they are new and/or around new people, confident even if they mess up or are unsure about what they are doing and dedicated meaning they will be at every practice/game ready. I will also be looking for who gives me the most attitude. This year from the Lady Phoenix you can look forward to seeing new amazing cheers and more tumbling/stunting. For this season I would like to see more people supporting the cheerleaders.

Yes! I totally love it, and I’m pretty sure I can speak for our entire school when I say that we are definitely ready for the cheer season to start. And I know with you being the captain, I know you’re going to take the Lady Phoenix to the next level.  Well, that’s about all the time we have for today. Thank you so much for your time Jada. And that was your exclusive interview here at the Christopher's Chronicles. New one coming real soon, but stay tuned, because it only happens here at Christopher's Chronicles. I am Devon Christopher Corry. Peace!

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