Thursday, April 11, 2019

Alumni Spotlight- Shaakira Gold-Ramirez

As we all know that here are at the Home of the Phoenix, we create many superstars whether they are in the entertainment industry, or even being at the best in their field. Our high school offers one of the best law programs known to man, especially in the Newark Public Schools district. Now even though it hasn’t been around for a sufficient amount of time, it has most definitely be an interest for many years. This next alumni feature will exemplify this success. Through networking, I was able to get in touch with Shaakira Gold-Ramirez, Esq., a successful attorney, who walked within and then beyond the burgundy and gray walls after she graduated, in the class of 1998. I am honored to say that I had the privilege of being able to ask Shaakira the following questions.

What college(s) have you attended and your level of education?

“For undergrad I attended Richard Stockton College, now Stockton University in Pomona, NJ and for law school I attended the school with the baddest band in the land Southern University Law Center in Baton Rouge, LA.”

How does being from Newark, NJ impact your life as an attorney?

“Being from Newark, NJ has had a profound impact on my life as attorney. Coming from a city that is misunderstood and where most citizens are automatically counted out because of where they’re from has not only given me a great sense of pride but has also given me a strong desire to persevere under any circumstances. Also, seeing the effects of not having access to competent legal counsel and not fully understanding how the “system” works has enabled me to empathize with those who find themselves in unfortunate legal conflict and it given me the drive to ensure they receive the legal counsel that they need and deserve.”

Was the law program here at University when you attended? If yes, expand on the benefits it has.  If no, then how does it feel to know that University now has a law program?

“During my time at University we did not have a law program (insert sad face). We did have an elective that I believe was titled “law in action”. Unfortunately when I was able to enroll in that elective, most students chose not take it because the teacher that taught it was known to make you work your butt off, so due to lack of enrollment the elective was not offered.

When I heard that University had a law program, I was ecstatic because it’s a great learning opportunity and selfishly I was kind of sad because I wished that this program was available when I attended University.  I think it’s a great idea to expose students to law and the various career options that can present. “

Can you recall a life lesson that a University teacher taught you and will never forget?

“There are soooooooo many lessons that I’ve learned from teachers at University but the two that stand out is to never accept mediocrity and to push yourself outside of your comfort zone.  These two lessons have played an important role in my personal life, my years in the military (yes, I was in the military, for almost 11yrs US Army JAG Corp) and as an attorney.”

What advice do you have for people who are unsure about the legal profession?

“If a person is unsure about the legal profession, I would recommend that he/she reach out to someone who is in the legal field and ask them as many questions as they can about their journey (good and bad) to becoming an attorney.   It would also be wise for them to take advantage of the law program that University offers.”

What sacrifices if any, did you have to make when you finally became a certified attorney?

“Sacrifices, woooooo how much time do you have??? Lol  The road to law school, bar exam preparation and passing the bar exam was filled with sacrifices.  I think one of the biggest sacrifices was my time. Studying both while in law school and for the bar exam was a huge time commitment.  Friends and Family had to understand that although I was once readily available to attend events, have long telephone conversations, or just hang out, during this time I was not available and if I was, my attention and time was very limited.  Now that those things are behind me I think biggest sacrifice now is……SLEEP. Even with these sacrifices, I wouldn’t change anything.”

What is your favorite type of law and why?

“My favorite type of law is criminal defense specifically for juveniles. When working with juveniles, it’s more than just about the crime that has been committed there is usually extenuating circumstances (family issues, mental health, etc) that has caused the juvenile to be in the legal system. Juvenile defense forces you to look at the totality of the circumstances before imposing a punitive punishment. I love fighting for the underdog.”

Yes Shaakira! I’m not even interested in the legal profession, but you have inspired me to even think about how should I be working harder!  I hope that you have much success within your line of work for now and the future. Speaking of the future, I hope to see you on either our upcoming Alumni Day, or even our annual Law Day. We should be able to have more conversation then.

That is your exclusive today, from Devon Christopher Corry. And until next time, continue to be RISE up, and be ready for the next article.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Teacher Spotlight- Ms. Kathleen Singh


Here at University High School, it is no secret that we are the school you are looking for when you wonder about the “gifted and talented”. In this school, we use talent very loosely for the reason being that it varies per student. Talented could apply to our athletes, our erudite scholars who compete for that valedictorian spot, but today, we are going back to the origination of talent. Yes, I am talking about our artists, but not just any artists; I think it’s about time we talking about the life of our singers of University’s very own choir.

Our choir is full of virtuosos. You might say, there is no way they became so talented overnight! And those of you who say I’m, are definitely right! But with timeless practices, our next interviewee takes pride in perfecting the craft of the voices here at the Home of the Phoenix.  I am honored to be able to introduce our next teacher spotlight, Ms. Kathleen Singh.Teaching Beginner, Mixed, Concert, and Advanced Choir.

What is the biggest misconception students have about taking choir, or any music class in general?

When it comes to choir, many students believe that they need to be the best singers to get the best grade. This is simply not true. Similar to other subjects, music is about having the will to learn and putting in the effort to become better in that subject.

What have the students here at the home of the Phoenix have taught you?

The students here have taught me that a sense of humor is a necessity and that I can’t take myself too seriously. It’s okay to make mistakes and as long as one can learn from those mistakes, it will be okay.

What are we to expect from the UHS Choir for this school year?

The UHS choir will be performing throughout the year at different events including caroling for the mayor and the winter/spring concerts. We also participate in a yearly singing competition called Music in the Parks held at Dorney Park.

What made you come back for your second year at the Home of the Phoenix?

I came back to University High School because the environment is friendly and I believe in our students’ potential in creating the best version of themselves.

How many forms of art do you express mastery in? Can you list them?
  • Classical voice performance

  • Piano

  • Violin

  • Guitar

What concept is the easiest for your students to grasp?   What concept is the most difficult?

The easiest concept for my students to grasp is listening to the music and memorizing the melody (the main part everyone knows/sings along to).

The hardest concept would be learning the music theory behind the music we make in class. For some of my students, music theory is new so gradually we’re getting better each day with practice and consistency.  

Was University everything you expected when it came to the “gifted and talented” notion it has?

Yes. The interactions I’ve had with students go above “gifted and talented”. There is so much heart in everything they do, it encourages me to improve my own skills as a teacher.

Sheesh! Well, would you look at that? We have a multi-talented connoisseur of music right in Room 117 here at Universtiy High School. I think it’s safe to say that it would not be a bright idea to not use her for all the knowledge of the music theory that she has to offer. Like they say, “speak now or forever hold your peace”. One conversation is all it takes to start going after your dreams and goals. Ms. Singh definitely has no reservations about taking your education and future in music beyond high school. It’s always great talking to you Ms. Singh. You never cease to fail us never. Hopefully one of your students will one day make it on the Grammys stage because of your investment and inspiration. Don’t forget to stop by and see Ms. Singh, to get a head start on your path to musical success. Well, that’s all the time that we have here for today. I am Devon Christopher Corry, never failing at bringing you the exclusives, and you know it all happens here, only at the Phoenix Flame. Peace!

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Student Athlete Spotlight- Jose Marte

Photo: Courtesy
Here at University, our star players on our sports teams are usually the talk of the town--LITERALLY! From their overall high stats, to their distinct styles, and everlasting sportsmanship, there is no telling how many Ws they’ll bring back to the Home of the Phoenix. And our next star player is no exception. From watching games as a child, to becoming the best there is in the state, our very new baseball captain should have came with a warning sign. Anything you throw at him, he will knock out of the park. Home runs and anticipating strikeouts against his opposite are a walk in the field for him. Without further ado, I welcome, the one and only, José Marte!

  1. Of course playing a school sport and juggling life outside of that can definitely be a challenge at times. What advice do you have for people trying to dedicate their time to a sport while maintaining a personal life? I feel as though throughout my years at University High School, my close friends, as well as the staff helped me with maintaining my “strong” emotions, such as my anger, all tying in to my personal life. Besides chasing after my education, I learned that by playing a varsity sport in this controlled learning environment, in fact, was going to challenge me throughout my entire high school career. I believe that no one can separate their personal life from sports, because for me, when I step foot on that field, all my anger and personal problems seems as if they disappear. You have to wake up in BEAST mode! You know that feeling when you haven’t eaten all day? That’s me every morning. Dedicated! Hungry! My advice to you all would be to gravitate towards something that feeds your interests, whether that be reading a book, or even playing sport, like me! Baseball is something that I fell in love with, and just by attending to your hobbies for at least an hour or 2 a day, it will definitely get rid of those problems and worries in your everyday life.
  2. I could only imagine how much of an honor it is to be passed the captains’ torch. Explain how you felt when you found that you were going to finally be the captain of the sport that you spent all your life studying and perfecting your craft on? In all honesty, I’ve been wanting to be captain since my freshman year *he laughs*. I felt as if I was on top of the world  when I finished my first varsity year with 20 hits, 13 RBI (Runs batted in), 16 stolen bases and of course having a batting average of 444 following my teammate Caleb Ware. So it is obvious that me being fresh meat to the team was the reason why I wasn’t captain in my first year, despite my outstanding stats. It’s sports tradition at University for the coach to pick a senior to be captain of any team, because they had been playing for 4 years. At that time [my first year], the captain was Abdul Brown, who we liked to call Ab. With that being said, it wasn’t a surprise that when I become a senior I would be the one finally taking the throne. Fast forward to 2018, I remember back in June at our annual team cookout that “the torch” was passed to me by my fellow teammates and coaches. We all gathered around and waited for them to announce Captain & Co-Captain. At this point, there had only been two solid seniors to have been on the team for the longest--Phabian and myself. Me being there for 4 years, of course I had to be the captain following Phabian being the Co-Captain. YES! It felt so good to finally become a leader and role model to my teammates. And a little side note...In April 2019, I’m coming with a little surprise.
  3. Some people play sports for the joy of it, and then there are some who play sports with hopes of making to the professional level. Where do you see yourself going with baseball after high school? Ever since I was a little boy, I dreamed of going pro, straight MLB status. But what I understand about making it there, is the amount of hard work you must put in. I feel like I’ve done that, so after high school, if all goes well, my first step is to play for college, and hopefully from there, I make the MLB draft.
  4. Studying any sport is usually the result of inspiration from someone or something else: Who/what inspired you to play baseball and why? In my native country, Dominican Republic, the game of baseball is more than just a bat and a ball. Baseball is the national sport. Kids down there play it from birth, whether they could afford a glove or not, they will still go out and play it. To me that’s something that had inspired me to play, and hopefully it take me far so I can give back to my native country. Two of my role models are Derek Jeter & Robinson Canó. When I’m out in the field, I feel more like a Canó. My love for the game however, has caused me not to want to just inspire others, but it also made me learn to be passionate and committed.
  5. I think we could all agree that sometimes there aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything we want. When baseball is in season, what does your everyday schedule look like? Oh my god! BASEBALL, BASEBALL, BASEBALL, all the way til’ I fall! ALl my friends know that sometimes, I don’t even have time to even hang out, because usually after practice, or after a game, I am a mess. Not only am I mess, but this continues all-year around.  Sundays are usually my off-days, but then again there are times where we still have to go workout or hit the batting cages. To top that off with having school, makes it even harder. Just think about it, coming home from a game that usually ends at 7 to then getting in the shower, eating, then doing my homework by 9 or 10, then repeat. That’s basically my schedule when I’m in season. Nothing really changes in the summer, besides having homework.
  6. Sometimes people need that advice to finally make them do something they are skeptical about. What is some advice that you would like to provide for people who may be interested in playing baseball, or even softball? If any man is ever interested in playing baseball, and for the girls softball, I recommend you to study the sport first, whether that be through experience, watching YouTube videos, or whatever the case may be. The next step is learning how to play the sport. Practice, then join your high school’s team, or an outside team. I believe to be successful and a pro at it, you are going to have to practice, and you must learn  to not be afraid of the ball. Hitting, throwing, and catching is not that simple but then again, you have to be dedicated and come to practice so you could learn from your coaches. Shout out to all the coaching staff here for y’all hard work. I know if it were me, I wouldn’t be able to be a coach *he laughs*.
  7. There was obviously something about you that caused you to be passed the torch. What qualities/traits do you possess that you believe make you a suitable baseball captain? I believe some of my qualities/traits that make me suitable to be captain include my leadership skills, my communicative skills, and my willpower to work with others. Being a captain is more that just being a leader to your team. Yes, you must coach the sport, but at the same time you must maintain the discipline of the team. During this season, I do attempt to find myself as a captain. I believe that only the best know how to lead by example. That includes communicating well, and building the confidence of each team member,  pushing them to feel taller and stronger. We all make mistakes, it’s part of the game. No one is perfect. Now, if a player messes up three or more times in a row, it is because they clearly are not paying attention. In these situations, it is okay to give them a little shout, telling them to “wake up and pay attention.” These are ways I plan to build a brotherhood amongst all my teammates.

    And that right there was the star player/captain of our varsity baseball team. I thank you so much Jose. It is always a pleasure to speak to you, and here at the Phoenix Flame, we wish you the best in all your future endeavors. You definitely will leave your mark here at University, and the baseball team. Well that’s all the time that we have for today. That was your exclusive interview, and it all happens here at the Phoenix Flame. I’m Devon Christopher Corry and until then...Peace!

Monday, March 18, 2019

Student Athlete Spotlight- Joscelyn Williams

The basketball season just started. And there is not a better way to kick it off without getting to know who’s going to take us to the finals this year! Whoever said that you couldn’t be a woman, beautiful, smart, and be in the starting 5 on the basketball team? Not this next interviewee. She is the epitome of the phrase “you can have it all.” Putting points on the scoreboard is something that she specializes in, but that willpower doesn’t just remain on the court, but also in her academics and personal life as well. She has brains, gets buckets, and the beauty to top it off. What else could you really ask for? With just that, you can be on your way to success. But don’t take it from me. Without further ado, I bring to you, Ms. Joscelyn Williams.

What was it about University that made you want to be a student here? Throughout my 3 years in high school, and even before that, basketball was always my everything growing up. I went from school to school trying to better myself when my mom came to the conclusion that Mets wasn’t gonna take me to college. She said since she put time and effort into my dreams it’s only right that they come true, and University wanted me since 10th grade, so I finally came to better myself in basketball and go to college and graduate my senior year from university.

What is your favorite thing about playing basketball? My favorite thing about playing basketball is just simply everything about it. Basketball to me is my escape route. Growing up it was a rocky lifestyle for me and basketball is just something that I can be free and go hard at what I love to do.

What is something you want the world to know about Joscelyn Williams? I want the world to know that Joscelyn is someone who is inspiring and loving. A hard worker who may make mistakes but never give up on what she believes in or loves. A role model to some but can be a role model to all someday.

 Explain how you balance your educational life, athletic life, and your social life? Throughout my educational, social, and athletics life all I do is surround myself with basketball. At school, I do my work and do my homework because after school it's all about basketball. don't really go outside because where I live bodies drop left and right so the only way to keep me safe is by putting my grind into the gym.

Explain what your schedule looks like in a day? Throughout the whole entire year? My schedule in a day is eat sleep ball and repeat. During the summer me and the girls travel all around the country to play basketball, and compete against other camps. So in other words, my days look the same throughout the school year, and when the summer comes its BASKETBALL, BASKETBALL, BASKETBALL! The grind never stops!

Who is mainly your support system? Explain the importance of having a support system. To me a support system is someone that been by me growing up till now and forever. And in this case I would say my mom because she does a lot for me but I really would say my grandmother. My grandma the only person that ain’t never give up on me when my friends and families did, she supports me in every way and I’m very thankful for everything she and my mother does for me.

What would you like to say to people who say that you can’t be a woman and play basketball?” To the people that say I can’t be who I am today......I would say “thank you for not believing in me” and then I would say “Look at me now! A star basketball player☺️.”

Is basketball something that you see continuing with after high school? Yes, basketball is something I see myself continuing after high school.

Do you believe people underestimate you? Why do you believe so? Yes, I believe people underestimate me because simply because I’m short and the place where I come from. Shit rocky so nowadays no one believes in one another. Quite frankly, they’d rather see you on your back instead of your feet. So all I can do is believe and have will power cause at the end of the day no one will believe in me only myself and the ones that trusted the process cause everyone underestimate me.

Joscelyn you have really given some of the most authentic and passionate answers I have ever seen from someone of your caliber. I know for a fact that if people did not gain any inspiration from your answers today, then they need to go back and read again and reevaluate their lives. I think I speak for the people when I say, that you are not only someone who keeps it real, but you are relatable on so many platforms and very humble, and the trio of those personality traits will take you far! Keep on grinding beloved. 

This was your exclusive here at Christopher's Chronicles. I am your host, Devon Christopher Corry. Until next time....PEACE!

Monday, March 11, 2019

Alumni Spotlight: Marquetta Scott

Photo Credit: Karl M. Lee
When you hear people talk about University, it won’t be long until they bring up how it is a school full of “celebs”--alumni or currently enrolled. I mean, I won’t try to go against the grain, because what those people are saying are right. It would be safe to say that they #shouldvebeenaphoenix. Today I was talking to one of my friends, Marquetta Scott, who happens to be one of our fellow alumni. She is the Chief Executive of her own exclusive hair enterprise, Temple Bales. Do you all know what that means? Yes, you’re right! Marquetta is her own boss! Though I met her my 7th grade year, during her senior year, we still managed to keep in contact through the years. Since our focus here at University is paying it forward, I used this as an opportunity to see how Marquetta has paid it forward ever since she has walked out those University doors. I was able to ask Marquetta the following questions…

What advice do you have for the students trying to make it through high school?

Always GIVE 120% everyday when you walk into that school! NEVER GIVE UP! The moment you give up is the moment you gave up not only your dreams, but yourself.

What has your “everyday attitude” been ever since you left UHS back in 2015?

My everyday attitude? I would say that I never become satisfied. Everyday I give my all. I am always open to different opportunities to help with my future and my business. There is not one day I don’t work towards my goals, and for what I want out of life.

Can you recall your most fondest memory from your days here at University?

Pep Rally Day is one of the best days at University. On this day, there is not one person that I will see without a smile on their face [she laughs]. Also, you can’t forget about the commotion that is caused by the everlasting rivalry between the Juniors and the Seniors, an annual tradition at University.

Why is beauty such a passion for you?

Aside from knowledge the brain holds, and the character embodied within a person, the beauty someone carries is the first thing people see. We never really know our favorite celebrities personalities; we just see their beauty and that is what keeps us anxious. Someone once said “Once you find something you enjoy and wouldn’t mind doing for free, you have picked your career.”

Are there any tips/product suggestions on how to keep natural hair, and even weave, in tip-top shape?

You must avoid all alcohol-based products in your weave and natural hair, because it will take the moisture out. Also, when using a detangling comb, use it from bottom to root, because that will minimize the chances of shredding.

Are there any upcoming projects that we can look forward to seeing your name on?

I know we are all big fans of social media celebrities, so lately I have been in contact with a few. They will be assisting me in some skits to promote Temple Bales. Furthermore, I also plan on starting my second business in 2019. In addition, just to let everyone know, if all my textures are fully stocked, be prepared to see me on the BET Awards’ red carpet!

Yes! It is always amazing to speak to you Marquetta. You always know the right things to say! I hope your advice resonated with someone here at University. We are so proud of your success, and we cannot wait to see more from you! Well that’s all that we have time for today! I am Devon Christopher Corry; that is your exclusive interview and guess what? It all happens here, at The Phoenix Flame!

FOLLOW Marquetta Scott
Instagram: @Temple_Bales

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Student-Athlete Spotlight: Jada Brown

Photo: Courtesy
(The Head Cheerleader in Charge)”


This year University High School’s cheer squad has a new cheerleading captain running this house! Allow me to introduce to some, and reintroduce to others, senior Jada Brown. Last year the Lady Phoenix Cheer squad it was run by a dynamic duo, but this year it is only one captain, Jada. This title has been a long time coming.

Jada’s been cheerleading since her childhood. Put her in the front or the back, and it is guaranteed she’ll leave her mark on the audience. Off the floor, she’s a sweetheart, but on the floor don’t cross her path. She is definitely not the one you would want to challenge in a cheer battle. Acrobatics, attitude, and accuracy are all things she specializes in. It is definitely no surprise that she is the boss this year. But don’t take it from me, just go to Instagram and watch her in action.
I, like many others, have watched Jada on social media. I’ve seen many of your accomplishments doing cheer, I know that your overall schedule is just hectic. On top of that, your a good student, one who has AP classes on her schedule, definitely a student upperclassman one should look up to. Describe your schedule during the cheer season.  

When it comes to cheerleading, I am busy all year round. I do football, basketball and all-star season.

Wow, do you ever get any time off? It’s never a break or day off. I practice 7 days a week.

Last year you and class of 2018 alumna Emanni Jenkins had a joint captainship. Together, you guys were an acrobatic force and your performance for the past couple years was phenomenal. You were good, so how did you feel when you found out you were going to be cheer captain for the 2018-19 cheer season?

When I found out I was going to be captain for the 2018-19 cheer season, I was sooo excited but it was no surprise because I was next up for the full position.

There has been debate about whether cheerleading should be considered a sport. There are a lot of people who say it isn’t because for reasons of it being non-contact, or non-competitive. Would you like to argue that and set the record straight? Cheerleading is definitely a sport. We throw, toss, and catch human beings. We do acrobatic flips AND have the flexibility to jump. Of course, people who never cheered a day in their life would say it’s not a sport. If they could spend one day with me, they wouldn’t last.

You should definitely be considered an asset to the team if you already haven’t. You have definitely proved your worth, experience, sportsmanship, and more. But it is all about having self-confidence in yourself and knowing yourself. So in your opinion, what do you believe makes you a star cheerleader?

To be a star cheerleader, you have to be confident; have dedication, sass, and a hunger to be the best. Having all of these qualities will make you an amazing cheerleader no matter if you don’t have the skills to do what others might. Being a star cheerleader starts with the right attitude.

A lot of students only limit their activities to their high school years, but never think about their years after. Is cheerleading and tumbling something that you see yourself doing after high school? Cheerleading and tumbling is definitely something I see in my future. I plan to further my cheer career in college. I will never give up on the thing that made me the outgoing person I am today.

Every success story has traces of downfalls. Tell the struggles and hardships of being a cheerleader.

Personally, my struggles and hardships with cheerleading have come from my injuries. Being scared that I might not get better or having to stop cheering forever. But, I overcame those obstacles by pushing myself to be greater than what I was before.

With cheer season coming up, and you being a captain, I know you are going to be setting some high standards for the upcoming prospects when it's time for tryouts.

What does the “ideal” cheerleader look like for you? What can we look forward to from the Lady Phoenix this year? What do you want to see happen from this cheer season? The “ideal” cheerleader to me will be outgoing, even if they are new and/or around new people, confident even if they mess up or are unsure about what they are doing and dedicated meaning they will be at every practice/game ready. I will also be looking for who gives me the most attitude. This year from the Lady Phoenix you can look forward to seeing new amazing cheers and more tumbling/stunting. For this season I would like to see more people supporting the cheerleaders.

Yes! I totally love it, and I’m pretty sure I can speak for our entire school when I say that we are definitely ready for the cheer season to start. And I know with you being the captain, I know you’re going to take the Lady Phoenix to the next level.  Well, that’s about all the time we have for today. Thank you so much for your time Jada. And that was your exclusive interview here at the Christopher's Chronicles. New one coming real soon, but stay tuned, because it only happens here at Christopher's Chronicles. I am Devon Christopher Corry. Peace!

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