As we all know that here are at the Home of the Phoenix, we create many superstars whether they are in the entertainment industry, or even being at the best in their field. Our high school offers one of the best law programs known to man, especially in the Newark Public Schools district. Now even though it hasn’t been around for a sufficient amount of time, it has most definitely be an interest for many years. This next alumni feature will exemplify this success. Through networking, I was able to get in touch with Shaakira Gold-Ramirez, Esq., a successful attorney, who walked within and then beyond the burgundy and gray walls after she graduated, in the class of 1998. I am honored to say that I had the privilege of being able to ask Shaakira the following questions.
What college(s) have you attended and your level of education?
“For undergrad I attended Richard Stockton College, now Stockton University in Pomona, NJ and for law school I attended the school with the baddest band in the land Southern University Law Center in Baton Rouge, LA.”
How does being from Newark, NJ impact your life as an attorney?
“Being from Newark, NJ has had a profound impact on my life as attorney. Coming from a city that is misunderstood and where most citizens are automatically counted out because of where they’re from has not only given me a great sense of pride but has also given me a strong desire to persevere under any circumstances. Also, seeing the effects of not having access to competent legal counsel and not fully understanding how the “system” works has enabled me to empathize with those who find themselves in unfortunate legal conflict and it given me the drive to ensure they receive the legal counsel that they need and deserve.”
Was the law program here at University when you attended? If yes, expand on the benefits it has. If no, then how does it feel to know that University now has a law program?
“During my time at University we did not have a law program (insert sad face). We did have an elective that I believe was titled “law in action”. Unfortunately when I was able to enroll in that elective, most students chose not take it because the teacher that taught it was known to make you work your butt off, so due to lack of enrollment the elective was not offered.
When I heard that University had a law program, I was ecstatic because it’s a great learning opportunity and selfishly I was kind of sad because I wished that this program was available when I attended University. I think it’s a great idea to expose students to law and the various career options that can present. “
Can you recall a life lesson that a University teacher taught you and will never forget?
“There are soooooooo many lessons that I’ve learned from teachers at University but the two that stand out is to never accept mediocrity and to push yourself outside of your comfort zone. These two lessons have played an important role in my personal life, my years in the military (yes, I was in the military, for almost 11yrs US Army JAG Corp) and as an attorney.”
What advice do you have for people who are unsure about the legal profession?
“If a person is unsure about the legal profession, I would recommend that he/she reach out to someone who is in the legal field and ask them as many questions as they can about their journey (good and bad) to becoming an attorney. It would also be wise for them to take advantage of the law program that University offers.”
What sacrifices if any, did you have to make when you finally became a certified attorney?
“Sacrifices, woooooo how much time do you have??? Lol The road to law school, bar exam preparation and passing the bar exam was filled with sacrifices. I think one of the biggest sacrifices was my time. Studying both while in law school and for the bar exam was a huge time commitment. Friends and Family had to understand that although I was once readily available to attend events, have long telephone conversations, or just hang out, during this time I was not available and if I was, my attention and time was very limited. Now that those things are behind me I think biggest sacrifice now is……SLEEP. Even with these sacrifices, I wouldn’t change anything.”
What is your favorite type of law and why?
“My favorite type of law is criminal defense specifically for juveniles. When working with juveniles, it’s more than just about the crime that has been committed there is usually extenuating circumstances (family issues, mental health, etc) that has caused the juvenile to be in the legal system. Juvenile defense forces you to look at the totality of the circumstances before imposing a punitive punishment. I love fighting for the underdog.”
Yes Shaakira! I’m not even interested in the legal profession, but you have inspired me to even think about how should I be working harder! I hope that you have much success within your line of work for now and the future. Speaking of the future, I hope to see you on either our upcoming Alumni Day, or even our annual Law Day. We should be able to have more conversation then.
That is your exclusive today, from Devon Christopher Corry. And until next time, continue to be RISE up, and be ready for the next article.